shtakuk MiniNature Reserve
Sat, Dec 23
An MNR is a native garden in a public park, school, parkway, or small business storefront. MNRs are our way of restoring and preserving nature in urban environments.

Time & Location
Dec 23, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Oxnard, Oxnard, CA, USA
Find Out More...
What is a MiniNature Reserve Installation?
A MiniNature Reserve (MNR) is a native garden planted by volunteers in a parkway, school, local park, or other small area. A MNR Installation is the event in which we do the planting.
What are we doing in this workshop?
Pulling weeds. Putting in more coastal sage scrub species. While this is happening JM from Dead and Rad will be doing a live Utility Box Painting.
What should I expect?
We will be outdoors for this event. Dress comfortably and be ready to get dirty! Before participating, you MUST sign a waiver, you MUST wear an Orange Vest (we will provide). We will be digging holes, putting plants in the ground, working with tools, & more. There are NO RESTROOMS on site.
Where is it?
To receive exact location, you must RSVP. We will send out the location A few days in advance, the day prior, and the day of.
Should I bring anything?
-Gardening gloves
-Sun Protection
If you would like to bring a plant to put in the ground or some seeds to spread, we will take any of the following species for this garden:
Coastal sagebrush
Purple sage
Black sage
Bush sunflower
CA buckwheat
Conejo buckwheat
Ashy leaf buckwheat
Cliff buckwheat
Golden Bush
Black Sage
Monkey Flower
California Fuschia
Bladder pod
Silver Bush Lupine
Coyote bush
Golden yarrow